Braving the Stave
Hosted by Jonathan James and joined by Angharad Smith, a.k.a ‘JJ & Haz’ , this bubbly duo delve through all music and genres, sharing with you their personal favourite pieces, along with some musical jokes that add a playful and informal feel to the podcast. Working as part of Arts Active's Cardiff Classical programme, we run lots of exciting extras alongside it to support the concerts. Check out the Arts Active website for more - www.artsactive.org.uk
Got any comments for JJ and Haz? Email them to A2@artsactive.org.uk
Yn cael eu cyflwyno gan Jonathan James, yng nghwmni Angharad Smith, neu ‘JJ a Haz’ fel y’u gelwir, mae’r ddeuawd fyrlymus hon yn pori drwy bob math o gerddoriaeth a genres, gan rannu gyda chi eu hoff ddarnau personol, ynghyd â rhai jôcs cerddorol sy’n ychwanegu teimlad chwareus ac anffurfiol i’r podlediad. Gan weithio fel rhan o'r rhaglen Gyfres Glasurol Actifyddion Artistig, rydym yn cynnal llawer o bethau ychwanegol cyffrous ochr yn ochr ag ef i gefnogi'r cyngherddau. Edrychwch ar wefan Arts Active i gael mwy - www.artsactive.org.uk
Oes gennych chi unrhyw sylwadau i JJ a Haz? Anfonwch ebost i A2@artsactive.org.uk
Braving the Stave
Upbeats: Season 4, Episode 6 (Braving Rhythm)
Braving Rhythm
In the first of a series exploring different parameters of music, Jon and Haz delve into fascinating rhythms, mining the works of Gershwin, Stravinsky, Bartók, Reich and more. Along the way they discover mind-boggling Bulgarian folk patterns, why rhythm is so hard to teach, and why a road trip with Haz would always be educational.
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Well hello everybody and welcome to braving rhythm, is how I'm gonna put it today.
Weird, wonderful, comforting. Everything.
So quite robotic and not relaxed enough.
It's like 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2 and that's not a triplet, they should be equals pequals every time.
I know, I know.
I don’t believe you.
Well, I know I literally know syncopation I think, but can we start there just in case I don't?
Ooh! I think it's pretty close. This is slightly slower than what I did.
I was thinking of minims. I was thinking of minims.
Yes, there we go. Shall we talk about syncopation? Let's start there.
That's Ella Fitzgerald with her version of Gershwin’s I Got Rhythm.
Ella would absolutely nail that.
I just feel like it's fizzing with energy.
This is Fascinating Rhythm.
[MUSIC: Gershwin: Fascinating Rhythm. Artists: Sarah Vaughan]
That was Sarah Vaughan.
I love her voice.
You know, are you an Ella fan or a Sarah Vaughan fan? Can you be both? I think you can be both.
Yeah, both. I love Sarah Vaughan's Lullaby of Birdland. But this is one of my favourites as well.
Yeah, that's almost more dancy.
So the displacement is the coming in altogether and the different place than it.
9/16 right, but divided into 4 + 2 + 3. Is that right?
Haz & JJ
Duh de de, de de duh de de… [clapping]. I don't even know what that is.
Let's have a listen.
[Music: Kaval Sviri. Artists: Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares]
You know all this is doing for me is making me want to go on a road trip with you, Haz.
Endless fun from Bulgarian, sort of, backtracks to, yeah, watching indicators.
Yeah, like ‘Shh, everyone be quiet, we need to watch these indicators phase.’
That is actually quite cool, I am actually going to do that.
Yeah, it's really good fun. I mean, a lonely life I lead, but.
[Music: America from West Side Story. Artists:]
Yeah, cool. Cool as anything isn't it.
Yeah. Or just like, as you go like, ‘thanks for having me, smoke on your pipe and put that in.’
Interest and funkiness. That's great.
Welcome Bartók, thank you for joining us.
Should we end in a brighter place do you think?
And, I mean, it doesn't get brighter than Welsh folk music, I think.
It's the top, the tippity top of the pyramid is the Welsh folk.
I know everyone. I'm so popular and entertaining and joyous and…
What are they like, Haz, what are they like?!
And they're an award-winning Welsh folk band.
It’s disgusting, isn't it? And they're nice and good people.
Once again, shall we end this on an upbeat kind of attitude, please?